Using Agent-Based Simulations to Study Organizational (Re)production of Inequalities: Training Investments and Retirement?, Social Simulation Conference, Kraków, Poland
Computational Simulations in Retirement Studies: Linking Organizational Policies with Social Inequality, Aging Network Tilburg University (ANTU) - Ageing Symposium, Tilburg
An Agent-Based Approach to Age Management and Retirement Behaviours: From Exclusive Human Resource Investments to Social Inequality?, ESA Conference, Porto, Portugal
Revisiting the Association between Women’s Economic Independence and Separation: What Can We Learn from Multi-Country Panel Studies?; European Population Conference, Edinburgh, UK.
Comparative Panel File: An Open-Source Model for Comparative Life Course Studies, Tilburg University [Invited speech]
Inequalities in Extending Working Life: The Role of Organisations and Employers; ASC-ISAR Interdisciplinary Seminar on Ageing Research; Linköping University, Sweden [Invited speech]
From SHP to Comparative Panel File: An Open-Source Model for Comparative Life Course Studies; International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland; University of Lausanne; Switzerland [Keynote speech]
Comparative Analysis of Life Events: Research Potential of the Comparative Panel File; Methods for Studying the Consequences of Life Events: Interdisciplinary Perspectives; Cologne, Germany [Invited speech]
Accelerating Social Science Knowledge Production with An Open-Source Model; ODISSEI Conference for Social Science; Utrecht, Netherlands
A Comparative and Historical Perspective on Extending Working Lives: Latent Growth Modelling of Late-Life Employment, 1990-2020, Using ‘Comparative Panel File’ For Seven Countries; Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS); Cleveland, USA
Open Source Model for Survey Harmonization: Comparative Panel File and the Future of Open Science; NPSO Survey Research Conference, Antwerpen, Belgium [Keynote speech]
Gender and Education Inequalities in Extending Working Lives; European Population Conference, Groningen, Netherlands
Trends and Inequalities in Extending Working Lives: Late-Life Employment Trajectories between 1990-2019 in Seven Countries; Dutch Demography Day, Utrecht
Organizational Perspective on Training and Retirement: The Role of Individual Growth Need and Organizational Climates, Age in the Workplace, Groningen
Presentation of the LIVES Best Paper Award 2021: Participation in training at older ages: A European perspective on path dependency in life course trajectories, Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS) Conference, online
Trends and Inequalities in Extending Working Lives: Latent Growth Modelling of Late-Life Employment Trajectories between1990 and 2020 in Seven Countries, European Sociological Association Conference, Barcelona, online
Comparative Panel File (CPF): Open Science Platform and Code for Harmonizing International Surveys, Open Science and Replicability in the Behavioural Social Sciences, Chemnitz, Germany, online
The role of training and supportive organisational environment for postponing retirement decisions, Ageing in Europe Mid-term conference of European Sociological Association, Jyväskylä, Finland
Comparative Panel File (CPF): Harmonizing Household Panel Surveys from Seven Countries, DIAL Institutional influences on inequalities across the life-course, online
Comparative Panel File (CPF), Critical Life Events and the Dynamics of Inequality, online
The role of training and supportive company environment for postponement of retirement decisions, Towards inclusive careers across the lifespan, SGM Seminar, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Comparing Path Dependency in Lifecourse Trajectories: Training Participation in Older Age, Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS), Potsdam, Germany
Comparative Analysis of Path Dependency and Accumulation of Inequalities over the Life Course: Training in Older Age, European Consortium of Sociological Research (ECSR) Annual Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland
Access to Training in Older Age: Using Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling in a Comparative Lifecourse Perspective, Conference "14th Conference of the European Sociological Association", Manchester, United Kingdom
How to Measure Age Discrimination in Recruitment - Linking Stereotypes, Skill Requirements and Employability, 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb, Croatia
Monitoring the Lifelong Learning in Europe – (In)Comparability of Indicators and Implications for European and Local Public Policies, 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb, Croatia
The Role of Age Skill Stereotypes in Recruitment of Older Workers: Evidence from Employers’ Data, Conference “International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG-ER)”, Gothenburg, Sweden
The pro-active shift in age management: Evidence from Dutch companies 2009-2017, Conference IAGG-ER, Gothenburg, Sweden
Effect of Training for Old-Age Employment and Retirement Transitions: Comparative Longitudinal Evidence from Share Data, Conference “XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology”, organised by International Sociological Association (ISA), Toronto, Canada
Role of Human Capital Investments in Older Age for Employment and Retirement – Comparative Longitudinal Perspective (SHARE data), Conference “European Population Conference”, The European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), Brussels, Belgium
Effect of job requirements for the recruitment chances of older people: evidence on age stereotypes from employers’ data, Conference “Demographics, Immigration and the Labor Market”, Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and DFG Labor Network, Nürnberg, Germany
Path Dependency in Training Participation in Older Age: Longitudinal European Perspective, Conference “Dutch Demography Day”, Utrecht, Netherlands
The Questionnaire Effect in Surveys on Lifelong Learning: Methods of Evaluation and Implications for Research, Conference “Midterm Conference ‘Quantitative Methods: Potentials and Limits of Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences’”, European Sociological Association, Krakow, Poland
The Role of Training for Old-Age Work Trajectories –Comparative Longitudinal Evidence from Share Data, Conference “Midterm Conference ‘Ageing in Europe’”, European Sociological Association, Brno, Czech Republic
Can lifelong learning help to decrease socio-economic inequalities in ageing societies?, Demography, Ageing and Health Conference, University of Oxford, UK
Employer – a forgotten actor in the studies on ageing. The meaning of workers’ age and the role of employers, European Sociological Association Midterm Conference: Ageing in Europe, Frankfurt, Germany
Co starzenie się ludności oznacza dla firm? [Population ageing – what does mean for companies?], Human Capital Study Conference, Warszawa, Poland
The role of employers in retirement decisions of workers, Between Work and Retirement Conference, Kraków, Poland
Rynek pracodawcy czy rynek pracownika? [Employer’s or employee’s labour market?], Challanges for the Polish Labour Market, Warszawa, Poland
Kształcenie przez całe życie a wymagania zmieniającego się rynku pracy [Lifelong learning and the changing labour market], Human Capital Study Conference, Toruń, Poland
Pragmatyzm Charlesa S. Peirce’a i jego implikacje dla socjologii, Koło Krakowskie, Kraków
Wykształcenie, doświadczenie, kompetencje – co się liczy na rynku pracy? [Education, expirience, competences – what counts on the labour market?], Human Capital for Poland, Warszawa, Poland
Transition from education to labour market in Poland, International Research Seminar in Sociology, Research Methods and Criminology, Linz, Austria
Age, skills and productivity – perspective of employers, Conference of the European Sociological Association, Geneva, Switzerland
Working caregivers among polish population 50+, Conference of the European Sociological Association, Geneva, Switzerland
Potencjał i plany zawodowe Polaków [Potential and career plans of Poles], „Human Capital Study Conference”, Warszawa, Poland
The ageing workforce - perspective of employers, EUSOC - 9th International Doctoral Seminar in Social Sciences, Telc, Czech Republic
Older Workers in Polish Companies – Approaches, Strategies and Actions of Private and Public Institutions, International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, Goteborg, Sweden
Działania pracodawców na rzecz aktywizacji potencjału osób starszych [Actions of employers for activation of older people potential], Seniors’ Life in the XXI century – Gerontological Conference, Łódź, Poland.
Aktywizacja potencjału osób starszych w Polsce – perspektywa pracodawców [Activation of older people potential], Polish Sociological Assocciation Conference, Kraków, Poland
Discovering pragmatism, discovering method. Between Grounded Theory and methodology of social sciences, Conference of the European Sociological Association”, Lisbon, Portugal.
Pragmatic Methodology. Ch. S. Peirce, H. Kreutz and the process of discovering pragmatism, Sociology, Education and Economy in Eastern and Central Europe, Kraków, Poland