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Preprints & working papers

van Winkle, Riekhoff,
Turek (2024)

The Economic Consequences of Widowhood during Retirement: A Comparative Study on Survivor Benefits, Netspar paper DP 07/2024-024

Lifelong Learning in Older Age: An Encyclopedia Entry

Turek (2023)

Journal Articles & Chapters


Turek (2025)

Accelerating Social Science Knowledge Production with the Coordinated Open-Source Model


Marcus, Scheibe, Kooij, Truxillo, … Turek, et al. (2024) 

LeverAge: A European network to leverage the multi-age workforce


Retaining Retirement-Eligible Older Workers through Training Participation: The Joint Implications of Individual Growth Need and Organizational Climates 

Li, Turek, Henkens, Wang


Gender and Educational Inequalities in Extending Working Lives: Late-Life Employment Trajectories Across Three Decades in Seven Countries

Turek, Henkens, Kalmijn


Different Shades of Discriminatory Effects of Age Stereotypes in The Workplace: A Multilevel and Dynamic Perspective on Organizational Behaviors

Turek, Oude Mulders, Stypińska


Turek, Kalmijn, Leopold (2021)

The Comparative Panel File: Harmonized Household Panel Surveys from Seven Countries


Participation in Training at Older Ages: A European Perspective on Path Dependency in Life Course Trajectories

Turek, Henkens (2020)


Turek, Oude Mulders, Henkens

The Proactive Shift in Managing an Older Workforce 2009-2017: A Latent Class Analysis of Organizational Policies


Boissonneault, Oude Mulders, 
Turek, Carriere (2020)

A systematic review of causes of recent increases in ages of labor market exit in OECD countries


Turek, Henkens (2019)

How Skill Requirements Affect the Likelihood of Recruitment of Older Workers in Poland: The Indirect Role of Age Stereotypes


Stypińska, Turek (2017)

Hard and Soft Age Discrimination – the Dual Nature of Workplace Discrimination


Drożdżak, Turek (2016)

Retirement and perceived social inferiority link strongly with health inequalities in older age: decomposition of a concentration index of poor health based on Polish crosssectional data


Turek, Perek-Białas, Stypińska (2015)

Socio-economic status in ageing Poland: A question of cumulative advantages and disadvantages, (In:) K. Komp & S. Johansson (Eds.) Lifecourse perspective on ageing populations: A critical and international approach, Bristol, The Policy Press


Turek, Perek-Białas (2014)

Older volunteers in Poland: the heritage of the socialist regime, (In:) A. Principi, P. Jensen, G. Lamura (Eds) Active ageing: Voluntary work by older people in Europe, Bristol, The Policy Press


Using Pragmatic Grounded Theory in the evaluation of public policies

Krupnik, Turek (2014)


Ruzik-Sierdzinska, Perek-Bialas, Turek (2013)

Did transition to market economy and the EU membership have an impact on active ageing policy in Poland?, (In:) The making of aging policy: theory and practice in Europe, Edward Elgar


The role of employers opinions about skills and productivity of older workers: example of Poland

Turek, Perek-Białas (2013)


Organisation-level policy toward older workers in Poland

Perek-Białas, Turek (2012)


Volunteering in older age: an organizational perspective

Principi, Lindley, Perek-Białas, Turek (2012)


Turek, Henkens 

Social Stratification of Retirement Transition.
In: M. Gangl et al. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Social Stratification 

Other publications & articles in Polish 

  1. Turek K., K. Henkens (2023), The Changing Landscape of Retirement: Theoretical Perspectives on the Role of Retirement Transition in Socioeconomic Stratification at Older Ages. Netspar Discussion Paper DP 04/2023‐010. Tilburg: Netspar. [pdf]

  2. Turek K., K. Henkens (2019), Accessibility of Training in Older Age: A Longitudinal European Perspective, Netspar Discussion Paper DP 04/2019-020. Tilburg: Netspar. 

  3. Turek K., J. Oude Mulders, K. Henkens (2019), Changes in Employers’ ways of dealing with older workers, 2009–2017, Netspar Discussion Paper DP 09/2019-036. Tilburg: Netspar. 

  4. Turek K., Worek B. (2016) Aktywność edukacyjna osób starszych w Polsce – poziom, uwarunkowania i kierunki rozwoju polityki publicznej [Educational activity of older people - the level, conditions, and public policy], PROBLEMY POLITYKI SPOLECZNEJ [journal, pdf]

  5. Turek K. (2015) Znaczenie wieku na rynku pracy – model relacji pomiędzy pracownikiem i pracodawcą [The meaning of age in the labour market – model of employer-employee relations], SOCIOLOGICAL STUDIES (2) [journal, pdf]

  6. Worek B., Turek K., Szczucka A. (2015) Problemy i dylematy rozwoju systemu uczenia się przez całe życie w Polsce [Problems and dillemas of lifelong learning system in Poland], Edukacja. [journalpdf]

  7. Turek K. (2015), Wydłużenie okresu kariery zawodowej – polityka organizacyjna wobec wyzwań związanych z procesem starzenia się ludności [Lengthening of working careers – organisational policies towards challenges of ageing populations], (In:) J. Górniak (Ed.) Polski rynek pracy – wyzwania i kierunki działań [Polish labour market – challanges and solutions]. Warszawa, PARP: 55-79

  8. Worek B., Turek K. (2015), Kształcenie przez całe życie - „akcelerator" rozwoju [Lifelong learning – accelerator for development], (In:) J. Górniak (Ed.) Polski rynek pracy – wyzwania i kierunki działań [Polish labour market – challanges and solutions]. Warszawa, PARP: 80-98

  9. Turek K. (2015), The grey side of the labour market. (In:) J. Górniak (Ed.) The Hidden Human Capital – Additional Capacities of the Polish Labour Market, PARP: 121-161

  10. Szczucka A., K. Turek, B. Worek (2014) Trailing behind Europe – the conditions and strategies for development of competences of adult Poles, (In:) J. Górniak (Ed.) Competencies of Poles vis-a-vis the needs of the Polish economy, Warszawa, PARP: 66-112.

  11. Szczucka A., K. Turek, B. Worek (2014), Rozwijanie kompetencji przez dorosłych Polaków [Developement of comeptences of adult Poles], Warszawa, PARP.

  12. Turek, K., Sz. Czarnik (2014), Aktywność zawodowa i wykształcenie Polaków [Labour market activity and education of Poles], Warszawa, PARP.

  13. Turek, K. (2013), Population ageing as a challenge for economy, labour market, public policy and citizens, (In:) J. Górniak (Ed.) Youth or experience? Human capital in Poland, Warszawa, PARP: 74-105.

  14. Turek, K., Sz. Czarnik (2012), Impact of the level of education on occupational career, (In:) J. Górniak (Ed.) Competences as a key to the development of Poland. Warszawa, PARP: 100-139

  15. Turek, K., J. Perek-Białas, (2012), Zarządzanie wiekiem [Age management], (In:) Doradztwo Zawodowe [Vocational Guidance], Kraków, Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. J. Tischnera: 70-78

  16. Szczucka A., K. Turek, B. Worek (2012), Adult learning and development of human capital: actors, strategies, determinants and barriers, (In:) J. Górniak (Ed.) Competences as a key to the development of Poland. Study of Human Capital in Poland 2011, Warszawa, PARP: 140-175

  17. Turek, K., Sz. Czarnik (2012), Impact of the level of education on occupational career, (In:) J. Górniak (eds.) Competences as a key to the development of Poland. Study of Human Capital in Poland 2011, Warszawa, PARP: 100-139

  18. Czarnik Sz., K. Turek (2012), Wykształcenie, praca, przedsiębiorczość Polaków [Education, work and entrepreneurship of Poles]. Warszawa, PARP

  19. Szczucka A., K. Turek, B. Worek (2012), Kształcenie przez całe życie [Lifelong learning]. Warszawa, PARP

  20. Czarnik, Sz., K. Turek (2012), Occupational activity of Poles. Career, education, competencies, Warszawa, PARP

  21. Szcucka A., K. Turek, B. Worek (2012), Kształcenie po szkole. Uczenie się dorosłych, inwestycje w kadry w przedsiębiorstwach, instytucje [Education after school. Lifelong learning, human resources investments, training institutions], Warszawa, PARP

  22. Perek-Białas, J., K. Turek (2012),  Socjologiczne podejście do procesów starzenia się społeczeństw [Sociological approach to the ageing of societies], (In:) G. Bryda (Eds.) Światy i konteksty społeczne. Krakowskie Spotkania Socjologiczne, Nomos: 137-148

  23. Turek, K., (2011), Diagnosis of human capital in Poland, (In:) Sz, Czarnik, M. Dobrzynska, J. Górniak, et al. Study of Human Capital in Poland, Warszawa, PARP: 50 – 108

  24. Turek, K. (2011), The unemployed – the untapped resources of Polish economy, Warszawa, PARP.

  25. Turek, K. (2011), Aktywność społeczna osób starszych w Polsce. Trzeci sektor seniorów [Social activity of older peple in Poland. The third Sector of Seniors], (In:) J. Mucha, Ł. Krzyżowski (Ed.), Ku socjologii starości [Towards the sociology of ageing], Kraków, Wydawnictwo AGH: 153-173.

  26. Perek-Białas, J., K. Turek (2011), Starszy pracownik z punktu widzenia pracodawcy [Older employee from the employer’s stand point], (In:) J. Mucha, Ł. Krzyżowski (Ed.) Ku socjologii starości [Towards the sociology of ageing], Kraków (In:) Wydawnictwo AGH: 131-151.

  27. Turek, K., J. Perek-Białas (2011), Productivity and skills of older workers in view of Polish employers, Economic and social consequences of ageing of the Polish society, Warsaw, Institute of Statistic and Demography of Warsaw School of Economics

  28. Stypińska, J., J. Perek-Białas, K. Turek (2010), The consequences of reconciliation of work and care among Polish population 50+, Attitudes and behaviours of Poles towards retirement decisions. Warsaw, Institute of Statistic and Demography of Warsaw School of Economics

  29. Perek-Białas, J., K. Turek (2010), Działania pracodawców na rzecz aktywizacji potencjału osób starszych [Employers activity for activation of older workers’ potential], (In:) D. Kałuża, P. Szukalski (Eds.) Jakość życia seniorów w XXI wieku. Ku aktywności [Quality of life of older people in XXI century, Towards activity], Łódź, Wydawnictwo Biblioteka Łódź: 122-135.

  30. Perek-Białas, J., H. Strzałkowska, K. Turek (2010), Model świadczenia usług doradztwa i rozwoju kariery pracowników 50+ [The model of services of counseling and career development of employees 50+], (In:) Pracuje - rozwijam kompetencje. Innowacyjny model wsparcia dla pracowników 50+ [I work – develop my competences. Innovative model of supporting workers 50+], Sopot, PBS DGA: 13-75.

  31. Turek, K., [accepted 2009, not published] Understanding human action. Quasi-experimental question form in comparison with conjoint analysis and choice models, Angewandte Sozialforschung

  32. Turek, K. (2007) W poszukiwaniu Nowego Europejczyka. Tożsamość europejska: fakt czy postulat? [In search of the New European. European identity: fact or postulate?], Article prized as the best academic work on the 50 years of European integration, Kraków, Institute of Strategic Studies.

Konrad Turek, PhD | Sociology | Work & Ageing Research 

©2021 by Konrad Turek

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